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Three Blind Mice - Agatha Christie

Title : - Three Blind Mice

Author : - Agatha Christie


Three blind mice, three blind mice,

See how they run, see how they run,
They all ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off their tails with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a thing in your life,
As three blind mice?

Giles and molly found a house which is a heritage building from his aunt in cluverland which is known as “the Manor house”. Giles and molly started a guest house business in this house rather to sell it. Winter is arrived in cluverland. They watched the television in night, in which they listen a news that a body of Mrs. Leyun was found in his apartment. They ignored it. They are waiting for his first customer Mr. wren. Other customer will come on Next Day. On the apart side, police investigate the murder case and got information from landlady of apartment from whom murderer asked about Mrs. Leyun apartment No., that the murderer was singing a poem …..Three blind mouse. Police also found two witnesses who interact with that murderer on the night of murder. Both witnesses also gave the police a diary which He dropped during the night, meeting with murderer. Police found 2 addresses one is Mrs. Leyun apartment and another Manor guest house. Police want to send the his officer for inquiry at the guest house. On the other side in manor guest house Mr. wren came in as first guest of giles and molly guest house. Both welcomed him very well. Then in morning Mrs. Boyle and Major Matcafe also came. Then in later night Mr. pervincki also came. There is lot of confusion and conversion held between all six people. Suddenly in the morning Mr. Giles got a call, Mr. Giles explain this call to all guest that Sargent traitor is coming for investigation of Mrs. Leyun Murder case. All guest looking dumb after listening this announcement. Sargent Traitor come on Ski. After meeting and taking all information from guest. Mr. Sargent asked about if anyone was attached with Mrs. Leyun in anyway. But all denied. Now there is seven people in the guest house. In that night a murder held in the guest house. Now there are six people, one of them is lying and who is lying is the murderer.

Who was murder?
Now who is connected with Mrs. Leyun?
How did they fix murderer?
How did they catch murderer?
Who is the murderer?

My review:- 

A nice introduction to the world of Agatha Christie and one that would definitely lead me to read more. Excelent murder mystery. What I listened about Agatha Christie in past in news paper, blogs, from peoples and from lot of author is all true for Agatha Christie. This was a very suspenseful mystery that only took me a day to read. It's only about 70 pages long, but it is very good. The only thing that bugged me was at the very end, the killer had only killed 2 people, not 3 like the poem says. I really think that this is a must read mystery, take an hour or two to read it! 


Rajeev Roshan


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