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Last to Die - James Gripando

A divorced lady who daughter is murdered five years ago contacted a contract killer in a bar. She wants his professional services. Contract killer asked her to whom she wanted to kill. She told the contract killer that she wanted to kill herself. After some days the lady was killed at red light on road in daylight. Some days later contract killer elder brother contacted a lawyer who wants to represent his brother. Once the same lawyer saved Contract Killer Elder brother life from death Row. The Lawyer met the contract killer on request of his elder brother. Contract killer told the all conversation happened with the lady. The lawyer listened him carefully and asked “did he killed her”. But contact killer denied for the same. Contract killer show him the letter that he found from lawyer of the murdered lady. The lawyer asked contract killer elder brother to check the truth in his version. After the lot of interrogation by the elder brother of contract killer but contract killer did not move his words at any point. Later lawyer attend the lady lawyers office. There he found 4 more person waiting for the deceased lawyer. There are ex-husband of deceased, a divorc lawyer, a press reporter and a assistant attorney general. Later deceased lawyer arrived in the meeting room and address all with the “Bill of Deceased”. In the “Bill” all 5 members were the beneficiaries of deceased Estate and shares. One more beneficiary is also there but he will be hidden according to bill. But there is a condition for being a beneficiary. And condition is - according to the bill of deceased the last one who survived himself out of six will get the all assets and share of deceased. It means if someone aged 99 years and one among them will death at age of 98 years, 99 years aged who survived himself till last will be the owner of estate.

WHO LAST DIE……………………………..

Check out friend who will survived himself till last and will owner of the estate of deceased?

Why deceased name these high profile peson to low profile person with a contract killer?
Why does she want to kill herself?
Who murdered her daughter?
IS her Bill related to her daughter murder?

These all questions will be clear when i will complete this one Mystry and murder mystry novel from the author James Grippando....

I read it completely...As i said in above review....

its an awesome novel with awesome story...
a good narrated, simple language, strong character and till last unsolved mystry....
you cant guess the name of stalker and murderer....
You cant guess till the last page who will save himself to "Last to Die"

Author James Grippando did nice work with characters, story and mystery....

the Court room drama is well presented by James...

one is the most important note is there....
you can very well travel miami and florida by this novel...
you can learn about lot of restaurents and cafe of miami and florida...

Its an Must read book......

400 pages but from first page to last page it story will grip you.....
you cant loose before going to climax....


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